Assassin's Creed 4: Black Flag Walkthrough Part 64 – Sequence 10 “The Observatory” Part 2

Optional Objectives:
Incapacitate all Guardians while unarmed
Incapacitate 5 Guardians from Stalking Zones

Head to the East down the path. You are headed for the Caves now. Time to begin work on the Optional Objectives in earnest. Be sure to pause and Synchronize with the View Point that is en route. It always helps. After that head into the nearby Cave that is marked for searching.

Inside the cave move through and up the slope. Duck into the Stalking Zone on the left at the top. Take a moment to mark the 4 Guardians in the area through. One sits on the ledge of the nearby cliff. One patrols  to the South while the other is occupied with something past the bushes. The final one is in the area below but can still be seen and marked. Wait for the patrolling Guardian to have his back to you then lure in the nearby Guardian for a knock out. When the Patrolling Guardian turns his back again, dash across to his side of this cave and duck into the nearby Stalking Zone.

Now just wait for him to get close. When he does, whistle. There is a slight chance of luring in the Sharpshooter when you do this, so be warned. If that happens then just wait for the other to turn his back and take down the other one. Follow it up by luring in the second one the same way and knocking him out.

Head to the South using the Stalking Zones. Wait for the next Sharpshooter to cross over the narrow bridge. When he does, knock him out with a Sleep Dart then make sure he will not wake up for a good while yet. Now across the bridge into the Stalking Zones there. Continue to the South until you are nearby the next bridge.

Look to the West to find the next Sharpshooter. Wait for him to be in range then hit him with a Sleep Dart. Knock him out then head on down the tunnel he was patrolling. Head into the Stalking Zone on the left and then use Eagle Vision. There is another Patrolling Guardian. Mark him and wait. When he gets close, whistle to lure him in then knock him out. Now turn to the Northwest. Head through that section of tunnel to find another Guardian by a fire. Move in and knock him out. Now it is time to start on the lower level of Guardians.

Head to the Southeast and get onto the narrow bridge there. There is a Guardian patrolling the area below. You can knock him out with an aerial attack or use the Stalking Zone below the narrow bridge to incapacitate him. Now head to the North. You have a few more Guardians to go.

Cross back over using the narrow bridge you likely just used to knock out the Guardian. Go North along the right-hand side of the cave. Look along here to find a cliff edge leading to 2 horizontal poles. Hop out on them and wait. There is a Patrolling Guardian below you. Knock him out from above then turn to the South. Take out the 2 Guardians fishing with either Sleep Darts (they get auto knocked out when the submerge) or just approach and knock them out. There is one Guardian left.

Go South and up the slope. Continue South and duck into the Stalking Zone there. The final guardian of this section patrols around here. Just wait for him to get close and either lure him in with a whistle or use a Sleep Dart. One more section of Guardians remain.