Assassin's Creed 4: Black Flag Walkthrough Part 61 – Sequence 10 “Black Bart's Gambit” Part 2

Optional Objectives:
Stay out of combat
Use a rope swing to kill the captain

Swim over to the beach where you can find the Watchtower. Approach it from the very Southern Edge. You will see a patrol of a Scout and a Brute. Be sure they are at the far end of their patrol. Slip onto the beach and into the nearby Stalking Zone. When they are starting from you then dash up the slanted tree and use the free run course to get at the tower. As you approach the tower, hit both Gunners with Sleep Darts. Move in and knock them out to take out this tower.

From this tower, perform a running jump into the sea. This makes your life a lot easier in terms of what you have to deal with. Head to the ship wreck you see ahead. Climb up to the edge of the bowsprit. Wait for the patrolling Scout to reach the left-most extent of his patrol and air assassinate him. After that just wait for the other guards to be looking away then head for the tower and climb on up to the top. Once up there all you need to do is perform a low profile assassination on the Gunner there. Look at the ship directly in front of you now.

Turn on Eagle Vision to mark the Captain. As he emerges onto deck, start swinging toward him. When he is highlighted, hit the assassination button to kill him. This will end the stealth section. Now it is time for the Spanish Galleon to do the talking.

While it say you need to escape the area, you actually need to sink all the ships that are coming after you. The mortars are this boat are absurd. You also have rear port cannons instead of Fire Barrels. Everything else is the same as the Jackdaw though. Use the Rear cannons, mortars and broadsides with swivels to make short work of all the ships that are after you. The Galleon is very powerful to go against just as a Flagship should be. Take out the ships and head over to the Jackdaw. That will finish out this memory.