Assassin's Creed 4: Black Flag Walkthrough Part 39 – Sequence 7 “Commodore Eighty-Sixed”

Optional Objectives:
Kill 3 guards from Stalking Zones
Air assassinate Chamberlaine

Head to the house that is the swamp. It is time for you to continue on forward with the missions. You have the optional objective of killing 3 men from stalking zones. Quickly move into the Stalking Zone to the North. Whistle and draw in the nearby man for a quick assassination. From there move to the Northeast and keep to the right of the men as they head into town.

Head to the North between the buildings. As you do, you will see 2 Soldiers talking. Move toward them and then perform a double assassination. Now head over to the right and get behind the second set of houses. Head to the North and take a corner position at the wagon just past the houses at the Northern end of the row. If the Officer notices Edward, just move some to the left of the corner and he should lose interest. Now just follow the group as they head toward the stairs. It it best to go to the right of the house. This will ensure you can have plenty of cover and and it makes the coming section easier.

As the group starts down the ravine toward the beach, keep to the right of them. There are 2 Scouts looking around the area. Wait for them to turn away then hit both quickly with Sleep Darts. Advance to them and knock them out to be sure. Now just keep pace with the Soldiers. Look at them every 10 seconds or so to keep Synchronized. After that, get to the edge of the cliff you are on. Wait for the targets to get past then perform a Leap of Faith into the palm leaves below. Dart from there to the next Stalking Zone to the South. Press onto the second one. Use a Whistle there to lure in the nearby Soldier for the second of the 3 kills you need for the optional objective. To get to the next Stalking Zone you need to watch for the Brute to face away. When he does, dash for the Zone to the South by the path. Quickly assassinate him in the Stalking Zone to finish the requirement. Continue to the South then turn to the East to keep with your targets. Now you need to make your way out toward the ship after the targets board it.

Head to the Southeast from the Stalking Zone you are in. This will take you straight on through toward the beach. When you make it down to the beach, look to the East to find a fallen tree going over the waves. Hop on it and head along it. Free run from there to the bow of the ruined ship. When you make it to the end of that ship Edward will jump for the galleon. Time to start at the final optional objective.

Head to the stern of the ship. There are 2 scouts patrolling this area. You only need to ledge assassinate 1 to get the clearance you need. Wait for the other to be looking away (though he is too far away for alertness to fill completely) and take out the first. When the second moves away or loses interest, head for the mast and start climbing up. Make your way up to the rigging so you can freely move between the masts. Head to the center mast and assassinate the 1 guard there. Now you are clear to deal with the Commodore without much difficulty. Head down one level on the mast. Go to whatever side of the ship he is presently moving along. When he is in range, get him with an air assassination. This will end the mission.