Assassin's Creed 4: Black Flag Walkthrough Part 34 – Sequence 6: “The Siege of Charles-Towne”

Optional Objectives:
Use 3 Sleep Darts on Crocodiles
Skin a Crocodile

Head toward the light that is to your right now. You have a lookout with 2 Soldiers and an alarm bell. You can either rush up the left-hand side of this and immediately duck to the left, further away from the Soldiers, or quickly kill them both. There are no restrictions on combat but you need to be quick.

Climb up and head along this path to reach the ruined church. When you get inside the church, pause on the chandelier. Turn to the right and jump over to the next one. Now turn to the left and head along this free run course until you catch up with the men. Start over to the right after the event happens to the watchers. Keep at it until you arrive in a Stalking Zone.

From the Stalking zone watch the Soldier in front of you. When they start moving, tail them a moment then climb up onto the wall to your right. Stop on the second beam and watch what they do. They should just be talking. If you are on the ground, then quickly duck around a corner and wait there. When they move next, duck behind the barrels and continue listening in. An alarm will sound: Pirates have been spotted. Time to chase the Captain.

Take off and go around the first corner. You can kill some of the men in front of you and it will not slow you down much. Just after the left, start to favor the right. This will make sure you hit the free run course. When you see a number of men in front of you, just keep running at them. As Edward approaches, the path will explode, clearing the way. Just dash through it and keep on the right-hand side. Keep along it as you jump, swing and slide your way to the entrance of a Fort.

When you get to the fort, favor the left and run up the sloped cart there. Just after that Edward will make a few hops then start dropping toward the water. Hit “X/A” to jump and avoid losing momentum. Keep running forward across the posts until you are back on land. Once you make it into the next part of the fort, you should have little trouble getting to the Captain.

As you enter this part of the Fort, favor the left-hand side. There are numerous obstacles that can easily be evaded with that. The only on that requires you on the right is the cart that is pushed in from of you.

If you are quick, aim and fire a pistol at him. Otherwise, get close and kill him with the hidden blades. The hidden blades can be used to kill him as he enters the warehouse, somewhere inside or just beyond it. If he makes it through there, the memory resets and you need to make the run through again.

Complete this memory and you will get back to the Present Day (part 3).