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Assassin's Creed 4: Black Flag Walkthrough Part 29 – Sequence 5: “Unmanned”
By Douglas Shepard (Editor in Chief, RarityGuide.com)
Published on 11/14/2013
A series of articles covering Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag. This covers the memory, "Unmanned" with Edward Kenway working with James Kidd to hunt down Laurens Prins.

Assassin's Creed 4: Black Flag Walkthrough Part 29 – Sequence 5: “Unmanned”

Optional Objectives:
Use 2 Berserk Darts on Brutes
Use 2 Sleep Darts on Gunners

Head for the marked location and meet James Kidd at the top of the Windmill. He will explain what the new plan is break in, silence the alarm bells and do what you can to thin the guard's count. Head over to where “James” is. He will explain some things, namely that killing Prins will earn Edward some coin. Remember that stealth is not mandate for this mission. It just makes it a lot easier

Before going too far, look for a patrol of 2 Brutes. They should be heading toward you. You can spot brutes as they have a large muscular frame and have an Axe on their hip. Keep them in mind for later as you will need to deal with them at a point.

Go across the path and into the sugar cane field. Head over to the left and eliminate the Soldier patrolling nearby..Next head into the sugar cane field to the Southwest. Head to the Southwestern edge of it and wait for the Soldier there to come closer. Lure him in with a whistle then kill him. Finally, head over to the bell. There is a Ringer patrolling nearby it. Wait for him to be by the bell and then lure him into the sugar cane with a whistle and take him down. After that Make sure the coast is clear with all other patrols looking away to approach and disable the first alarm bell. If you are noticed while attempting to disable the bell then duck back into the sugar cane. From there it should be little trouble to take down a target or two of opprotunity each time. Time to start working on the next bell.

After sabotaging the bell, duck into the nearby Stalking Zone. Kill the Scout that comes over once in a while to eliminate the threat from the Stalking Zone. Now look up and deal with the Gunner who is up there. Hit him with a Sleep Dart, go up there and knock him out when the patrols are away. Perform a Leap of Faith into the hay cart on the Southern side of the Watch tower and take out the Scout who comes by. Jump out of the haycart and head to the Southwest, ducking into the Stalking Zone nearby. Slip into the next one by the base of the tree to the Southwest. Move only when the nearby Scout is looking away. Wait in these ferns for the Scout to get close. When he does, lure him in and kill him.

Wait for the patrols to be looking away then dart into the next Stalking Zone to the South just on the other side of the fence. Kill the Soldier who stand Just next to the ferns you are hiding in. Now wait for the Ringer to come in close and lure him in  Look up at the Watch Tower and tag the Gunner with a Sleep Dart to give you all the time you would need to sabotage this next bell Then go on up the tower and deal with the Gunner. From there just perform a Leap of Faith into the Haystack by the stream.

Make your way North beside the stream. This will giove you some time without having to worry about the guards. Make it over to the hut and then let the nearby Scout see you. Duck into the Stalking Zone by the river and he will follow for a quick and easy kill. Now slip  to the North and Get a clear line of sight to the guard by the Hay Cart. This is a Brute and you should hit him with a Berserk Dart. This will draw the considerable number of foes to him. Use your darts to deal with those staying away from the battle. Hit them with Berserk Darts to force them to join. Be sure to tag the Gunner in the Watchtower to the North with a Sleep or Berserk Dart to get him removed from the picture. When the scene finally quiets down after the carnage then go in and disable the alarm bell.

Head for the waypoint to the East to start the next part of the memory.