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Assassin's Creed 4: Black Flag Walkthrough Part 19 – Sequence 3: “A Single Madman” Part 3
By Douglas Shepard (Editor in Chief, RarityGuide.com)
Published on 11/12/2013
A series of articles covering Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag. This covers the memory, "A Single Madman" with Edward Kenway getting on the boat.

Assassin's Creed 4: Black Flag Walkthrough Part 19 – Sequence 3: “A Single Madman” Part 3

Optional Objectives:
Air Assassinate Du Casse

Time to swim on out to the boat. Once there, climb on up to the railing. Stay just below it and climb over to the right, toward the middle of the ship. Wait for the guards to be looking away then start climb on upwards.

You will want to climb quickly but carefully. You only need to go as far as the first cross-beam. Once you make it there you can just wait for Du Casse. He will pass below you. The trick to this whole aerial assassination is to be sure you have Du Casse targeted and not the 2 guards flanking him. Look at who is outlined. When you have a lock on Du Casse, that is the time to strike. It will not take to long as Du Casse is patrolling around the ship along the railing. This makes him easy to find and easier to kill.

There is a secondary, and outright easier way to handle Du Casse is to do a little more work on land. Before heading out, find the Powder Reserve on the beach. Deal with the guards nearby it and head inside. Light a fuse and leave it.

After that head on out to the ship. Now Du Casse will be standing in a single place. Make your way to the stern and climb on up the rigging to the first beam on your right. Jump over to head and head to the far end of it. There you will find Du Casse just beneath you, making for a quick and easy kill.

When this memory ends, you will complete the sequence and shift on back to Present Day.