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Assassin's Creed 4: Black Flag Walkthrough Part 9 – Sequence 2: “The Treasure Fleet”
By Douglas Shepard (Editor in Chief, RarityGuide.com)
Published on 10/31/2013
A series of articles covering Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag. This covers "The Treasure Fleet", where Edward must escape from the Treasure Fleet with a number of other captured pirates.

Assassin's Creed 4: Black Flag Walkthrough Part 9 – Sequence 2 “The Treasure Fleet”

Full Synchronization:
Kill 3 guards from behind corners
Free 23 Pirates

Once the opening cinematic has ended, hit the prompted button to break free with the fellow pirates. Now dash over to the right and take up a corner position opposite the other pirate. Wait for one of the patrolling guards  to get close, whistle at them then perform a corner assassination on him.

Move forward into the next room and go to the left. Take up another corner position and whistle at the next guard. This will lure him over and make it easy for you to take him out. Now move forward through the room and toward the next. Take up a position by the entry way and once again wait. When you can see the guard, whistle to draw him in and take him out. Approach the table he was guarding to collect your belongings and rearm yourself. Once that is done, use the nearby ladder to climb up onto the deck. Just head straight forward from the table to find the ladder on up to the main deck.

Once on the main deck, head over to the left and take up a corner position on the nearest crate. Whistle at the guard to take him down. After that head forward and go down the stairs to the midship. Take a moment at the second crate, the one just before the stairs, to use Eagle Vision to mark the various soldiers. This will make the next part a lot easier.

Wait behind the crate for the pirate to start away from your position. Drop down onto the midship. After that hide behind the crate on the middle of the deck. When the guard comes close, either get him with  a corner assassination or whistle at him to lure him into one. From there, you have thinned the numbers here enough it should be easy to just fight on through it. Otherwise, a bit more patience and a few double assassinations are needed to clear the ship and get you moving toward the pirates. When the soldiers are dead or evaded, head to the pirates and interact with them to set them free.

With the first set of pirates freed, head on out on the foremast. Climb to the first cross beam and head over to the left. Jump from there over to the adjacent ship. Now you can easily air assassinate one of the 2 soldiers below you. From there you just need to deal with the rest of the crew. Remember to have the counter-kill. It works very well on this ship and getting a kill streak does not hurt either. Time to move onto the next ship.

Head to the bow of this ship Run to the edge of the bowsprit but wait on the end of it. When the mobile guard reaches the far point of his patrol, air assassinate the stationary one then quickly kill the mobile one. Now just make your way on through the rest of the crowd one by one. Be sure to hop up on the railing behind the 2 soldiers who are next to each for a double air assassination. Free the pirates then use the lift in front of you to get up into the rigging. Turn to the right and run on out on the mast. Wait for the 2 masts to align then jump for the far one. Climb on up and head over to the next ship.

On the next ship, quickly deal with the lookout. After that look for the hook at this on one side of the platform. Jump out to it to get down to the main deck safely. Either quickly get into cover or engage the Soldiers and Officers. Deal with them then head for the marked hatch down to the lower deck. Kill your way on through the guards. You should have little trouble just fast walking from one to the next to make it on back to the pirate prisoners. Now all you need to do is get topside.

Once back on deck, you will need to kill the captain of the nearby brig. Dive off the ship you are on and swim over to the marked one. Climb on up and then deal with the Captain however you would like. The quickest way is to slip up behind him by climb up the stern of the ship and assassinating him. After that just head over to the wheel and interact with it to start sailing.

Once you are sailing, immediately start firing on the nearby gunboats. Do not worry too much about them though. Just go full sail and head for the marker. Turn toward it and just run on toward it. When you are told of the rogue wave, you are almost there. You need to take it head on and brace. This will destroy the Gunboats that are in pursuit of you.

The next part is fairly simple. Avoid the water spouts that are caused by the hurricane and head toward the marker in the distance. Any time you get close to a water spout, reduce to half sail. This will also increase your maneuverability and make it much easier to escape. Make it on over to the marker and you will trigger the ending cinematic for the sequence. After that you will find yourself in control of the ship so that you can sail wherever you want. Take a little time to listen into what Ade has to say about the condition of the ship and the repairs that are needed for it.