In the street, Juniper and Bianca are conversing- the elder professor is fascinated by the story, going on about the incredible power mentioned in the tale.  The blonde agrees, supposing that the level of power talked about could be a match for that of the legendary dragons.

Juniper agrees and likens it to the scorching might of Zekrom (Black 2) or Reshiram (White 2), then asks if you recall the story of whichever legendary dragon.  If you've played the original Black or White games, then you've heard the story before, but it could well have been a while.

If you tell her you don't know the story of Reshiram or Zekrom, Juniper is a touch disappointed, because she made mention of some of it in Lentimas.  Still, she explains that Zekrom is a legendary lightning dragon that grants its power to a hero pursuing ideals, or that Reshiram is a legendary fire dragon that grants its power to a hero pursuing truth.  She describes the appropriate legendary by color and element as well, just in case you missed it.

Bianca asks her mentor if the woman believes there could be a link between the legendary dragon just mentioned and the mysterious pokemon from the Lacunosa Town story.  This prompts Juniper to spend a few moments thinking, and then she points out the meteorite.  The legendary dragon of which she spoke was revived from a stone, which she theorizes may be the meteorite from the story.

Additionally, objects from the same time period were found in Dragonspiral Tower, the place where the legendary pokemon had been waiting.  More items from that time period were found in the Giant Chasm as well, and Juniper is certain that this is related- she doesn't think there's any proof of anything, but is likely part of the knowledge needed to solve the puzzle presented.

Bianca points out that if Professor Juniper is right, the pokemon of the story is very strong, so it's odd that it would only come out at night.  She supposes that it might just not like sunlight, but seems uncertain.

Juniper replies that it would be difficut to make any claims of knowledge about that until more research has been done.  She points out that the name of the town, 'Lacunosa', may be derived from lacunosus clouds, which are formed in a pattern resembling a net or a wire fence.  Her thought is that it may be a reference in some way to the walls that were built to protect the townsfolk from the ancient pokemon.