Remember Me Walkthrough Part 6 – Episode 2: Macrowave (Canopy to Comfortress Rooftops)

Once outside the apartment go slightly to the right then make for the edge of the building. Leap from there to the ledge of the balcony in front of you. Shimmy over to the left, jump the gap and continue to the left. Once Nilin has some roof underneath her then drop down. Go over to the right and look for the next ledge you can climb up to. Do so then turn to the left. Jump to the opposing building. Now watch the electricity on the ledge above Nilin and to the right. She needs to climb up onto the first ledge and make her way over to the second. Once on the second she has a ledge she can drop down to. Remember to use your Fast Shimmy to avoid getting electrocuted. After all that she needs to get to the white pipe to the right of the second electrical ledge. Once on it she should continue over to the right 2 more ledges. This will lead to another Mnesist Memory: “Saint-Michel Comfortress”. Grab it then head back to the White Pipe and climb down it.

At the bottom of the pipe Nilin will want to go toward the Red Doorway near the cafe behind her, “Leapers and Liquers”. Head on through the Red Doorway and go over to the right. You will find an Errorist Memory Panel on the storefront. Turn around now and head the other way. Go through the open gates to the closed on. Just to the right of it you will find the next SAT Patch Nilin can get. Now continue past the Errorist Memory Panel. Just head around until you find Bad Request. It is not too far off from where you are thankfully. He will give you his memories of the Security Drone's patrol patterns and a good path through the rest of this area.

Once the cutscene is over approach the Remembrane that is ahead of Nilin. Play it and Bad Request's digital-self will appear. He explains about the Remembrane and how it works. Head over to the second overlay and play it. This image does something important so watch it. At the end it goes over to the console and Bad Request tells you to go and synchronize with his actions at the console. Follow the prompts on screen and do so. This will open the door to the right. Head into the hallway and toward the ladder. As Nilin gets to the base of the ladder she will be attacked by 2 Enforcers. Take them on. This should be a lot easier to handle than the previous encounters with them.

When the fight is over climb up the ladder and head into the construction site. Interact with the Remembrane to see Bad Request interact with the door above, synchronize with this interaction, and summon a ladder. As he climbs up the ladder though it will break away from the wall. He apologizes and explains that Nilin will have to find another way up. Interact with the door controls then head over to the start and start climbing upwards. Get up to the top then wait for the construction drone to come over nearby Nilin. When it does jump for its load. It will take Nilin over to the next wall where you can climb up it to the ladder without much more trouble.

At the top head over to the right and look at the Errorist Memory sitting on the park bench. Make note of it then head for the Remembrane ahead. Watch Bad Request climb up the next wall and make a running jump to the right. Keep that in mind. Nilin will want to climb the wall then drop down to the left. There she will find a SAT Patch to grab. Do so then make the running leap to the right onto the window across the way as Bad Request did. The window will give as Nilin lands on it and she goes crashing through it.