Borderlands 2 Walkthrough Part 85 – Thousand Cuts Sidequests: Rocko's Modern Strife & Defend Slab Tower
Rocko's Modern Strife
Talk with Brick in Sanctuary to get this mission. He will ask you to go talk with Rocko, one of the Slab Commanders. While he is not the most independent thinker he will at least not try to kill the Vault Hunter. Time to head back to Thousand Cuts. Once there head to the Southwest from the Fast travel station. Time to talk with Rocko. This Sarcastic Fellow will then ask you to help defend Thousand Cuts from a Hyperion Onslaught. Be sure you have a Corrosive weapon on hand with plenty of ammo, if not a few different ones. This instantly opens up to the next mission.
Defend Slab Tower
Start, after the explanation, by running for the beacons that are sitting in Slab Town. They are easy enough to find by heading to the North from Rocko.
When you have the beacons it is time to place them. Turn around and plant the first only a little ways to the South. The first is planted just a little to the North of the Vending machines. The second Beacon needs to be placed South of the Vending Machines between the barrels. The final one is placed shortly inside Bloody Knuckle Point.
First Wave
With the final beacon placed head over to the North and man the turret that is sitting just North of where you placed the final beacon. As you approach the turret the waves will commence. This will get a Goliath who seems to lose their helmet very quickly. They then go to town on the ION, RPG and GUN Loaders that emerge from the various incoming pods.
Use this turret as long as possible. After the first few waves a wayward rocket will come and destroy the turret. Enjoy the unlimited ammo to destroy as many Loaders as you can. This makes the time after the turret a lot easier. Just be careful of the Goliaths. They are a great help but they will attack you and anything else that gets close to them. You know the wave is coming to an end when you are facing down some WAR Loaders
Second Wave
Brick will call out the second wave's impending arrival. When that happens, finish off whatever is around you and head across the bridge into Slab Town. Time to start working on Loaders in a different part of Thousand Cuts. This starts off at a much higher difficulty as you have a number of Badass Loaders deployed. Behind these you still encounter a number more GUN Loaders, but you will have to face down a few ION and RPG Loaders as well. This is the last of them.
When it is all over head to the supply crate and interact with it to open it up and see what Jack wanted destroyed. But you never get to see it. Just claim the reward and be on your way.