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Borderlands 2 Walkthrough Part 49 – The Dust Sidequests: Clan War: Starting the War, First Place
By Douglas Shepard (Editor in Chief, RarityGuide.com)
Published on 12/11/2012
A series of articles covering Borderlands 2. This covers the missions, "Starting the War" & "First Place" where the Vault Hunter helps Ellie start a Clan War between the Hodunks and the Zafords and helps the Zafords get the first blow.

Borderlands Walkthrough Part 49 – The Dust Sidequests: Clan War: Starting the War, First Place

Starting the War
Once you get this quest from the Sanctuary Bounty Board head out to the Dust and talk with Ellie. She will tell you that she is tired of the rival clans that are in the area. So she wants you to start a war between the two of them and hopes that will kill them off quickly. You need to go into the heart of each, plant some dynamite and leave the emblem of the rival clan there.

After that has been explained head into the garage and up the stairs to the right. You will find the 2 sticks of dynamite sitting on a shelf by the window. Now Ellie will tell you that she is certain you can find some of the old emblems in her junk yard behind the garage. Grab them, choose your vehicle and get ready.

Head straight across the Dust to find the Hodunk Speedway. Approach the right-hand pillar and plant the dynamite. Back up, let it blow, then follow the tire into the compound. Kill off the grunts who show up and plant the emblem on the tire.

Now head for the second marker that is over to the Southwest from the Speedway. Head on through to the Holy Spirits found in the Highlands to the South of the Dust. Once you are through head to the West toward Outlook. Just outside of town you will find the Distillery. Go and plant the second charge on it and back up. After that, just wait for Mick Zaford to put out a call for a hired gun. Once he does, head into his bar to get the next part of this war rolling. Talk with the one person wearing a Green Hat twice to get things underway.

Reward: 3208 XP, $692, Green Assault Rifle/Green Pistol

Clan War: First Place
Time for the Zaford's to get their first shot in. He wants you to sabotage their upcoming race by blowing up their track. Follow Mick down into the basement, head over to the right and down the stairs if he seems a little glitchy. He will open a chest there and give you 4 sticks of dynamite that you need to plant around the track to blow it up. Head back to The Dust and return to the Hoduck Speedway.

Once at the Raceway head around until you find the stairwell that is sitting right off the track. Head on up the stairs and then across the bridge to the Pyrotechnician's hut. Turn to the right and head over to the boxes of Fireworks that are sitting nearby. Plant some dynamite on each then head to the hut. Kill the Pyrotech then walk over to the plunger. The race will start. You need to wait for the races to come up to where the dynamite is. Once all 3 are there and in view on the bridge, blast them.

If you go earlier you will need to shoot down the race cars with your guns. Just take up a position near the start of the race and gun them down from there one at a time.

Reward: 3208 XP, $346, Green Shotgun/Green Grenade Mod

*If you want to get a quick challenge, pull out the Afterburner Relic that you got from Ellie from “Positive Self Image” and if you can lap the track in 25 seconds or less, you will get the challenge reward. It can only be completed after you have completed “First place” but you can get some practice laps in first.