You can, of course, return by foot or by mount, but you’ll have to make your way past all the forces you killed getting here to do it- as there isn’t much to gain from that, you may as well take the coptor....which gets zapped and destroyed by Xhu’daggab en route, leaving you to parachute back down to Paw’don.
On returning to the village it’s a good idea to make sure you’ve done everything you want to here- set your Hearthstone if you intend to, check all the local shops (there’s some moderately useful food for those who lack Cooking or haven’t bothered preparing rations for themselves before coming here), talk to a few of the locals to get some background information, and anything else you’re inclined to. It’s worth noting that the area seems to be lacking a few of the skill trainers, so you may want to set your Hearthstone here and then hop back to Stormwind or one of the other capital cities just to make sure your noncombat skills are up to snuff.
When you speak to the admiral, she thanks you for your work, then thanks the mayor for quartering her wounded soldiers. Taran, clearly upset by the presence of a serious wartime ship and its rather vicious admiral, insists that while Sunke is free to grant this shelter, the Pandaren as a whole are not going to choose sides of the conflict. He calls the entire clash between the Horde and the Alliance a ‘race-war’, and insists that Pandaria will have no part of that hatred. He then summons a riding-dragon of a type unseen outside Pandaria, saying that he must go see to some other strangers who have landed on the Northern shores
Taran has left you with a lot of food for thought- particularly regarding the Horde-Alliance war. While it is true that races as a whole seem to be aligned here, there are plenty of neutral or pseudo-neutral factions in the conflict. The question is, were one side to win the war, would they settle for anything less th an the complete annihilation of the opposing side? Those who are familiar with the lore would have had hope that the Horde would settle for less under Thrall, but with Thrall now independent and the Horde run by Garrosh Hellscream and his vitriol, things seem grim on that side. And while the Alliance has high ideals to try to live up to, King Wrynn doesn’t seem the sort to let that stand in the way of revenge.
While things seem a bit grim, you’ve now completed the first chunk of activity in Pandaria, and have thus recieved a new achievement- ‘Paw’don Village’.