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Guild Wars 2 – The Perils of Friendship
By Douglas Shepard (Editor in Chief, RarityGuide.com)
Published on 10/9/2012
A series of articles covering Guild Wars 2. This part covers the story mission, "The Perils of Friendship ", the starting mission for the Street Rat origin story.

Guild Wars 2 – The Perils of Friendship

This is the beginning of the Street Rat origin Storyline for humans. Your old friend Quinn came and visited you while you were unconcious after you battle with the Earth Elemental at Shaemoor. Head into Divinity's Reach and go to the Salma District. From there you will find the entrance to the start of this mission.

Once inside head over to the marker just off the center of the district. There you will find him waiting in an alley:
Quinn: "Hey, there you. It's great to see you back on your feet. C'mon. Let's go for a drink. I'm buying."
Hero: "You're buying? This must be a special occasion. Oh, and thanks for coming to see me when I was injured."
Quinn: "Hey, that's what friends are for. Besides, did you see that Priestess of Dwayna? Cute!"
Two-Blade Pete: "Quinn? There you are. I'm gonna gut you here and now."
Quinn: "Wait, wait! What are you so mad about? I didn't do anything."
Pete: "That's the point. You were supposed to back Riot Alice. But you didn't do anything, and the Widowmakers took her."
Hero: "Hello, Pete. It's been a while. What's the problem here?"
Pete: "So, you're back. Just in time to protect your idiot friend again. Problem is: Quinn got one of ours caught by a rival gang. I want Alice back, or I want Quinn's heart on a stick."
Hero: "We'll get Alice back. You said the Widowmakers have her, right? We'll take care of them. After that, Quinn's account is settled. He owes you nothing."
Pete: "Fine. You bring Alice to me, and we're square. If you don't, you both bleed to death in the gutter. You know where to find me."

Head away from Pete and the others over to the West. You will arrive at the entrance to the Widowmaker's Hideout. The first time you try to get in will fail because you do not know the password. Go with, "Just let me in" and, "I got it. The stein requires beer." The person on the other side of the door will tell you to shove off. This means you need to track down and beat the information out of one of the roaming widowmakers.

Head to the Northwest now. You need to get underneath the bridge there. Just take the stairs down and you will be facing down 3 of them. They are all Lvl. 3. It will not be long with you and Quinn before you can be talking with one of them:
Quinn: "All right. We want the password to your hideout, and we want it now."
Widowmaker Thug: "If I tell you, you'll let me go?"
Hero: "Yeah, we'll let you go, a slong a you don't warn them."
Thug: "I won't they didn't protect me. I don't owe them anything. The password is 'Salma's bloomers.' Forget it! They're too tough for us!"

Now head back to the Widowmaker's hideout to the Southeast. Go to the door and talk with the guard again. Give the password and they will let you in. Just after that, the guard calls out that you and Quinn are inside. She is a Lvl. 3 Thug. Take her out quickly. Just behind her will come another Widowmaker. You only fight them most of the way down on their health. Just before death they will cower and stop taking damage.

With those 2 down, hea dup to the stairs to the North. On the first floor you will encounter 2 more Thugs, both lvl. 3. Take them down then hea up the next set of stairs to the second floor. There you have 2 more Thugs to overcome then you have found and freed Riot Alice. Just need to get out of there after that:
Riot Alice: "Thanks for the rescue. I wa realy starting to hate these guys. As for you, Quinn. This almost makes up for you getting me caught in the first place. Almost."
Quinn: "Hey, I always clean up my own messes. You were never in danger."
Hero: "Right, Quinn. Whatever you say. Come on, we need to get alice back to Two-Blade Pete."

Head on out of the Hideout to the East. Likely you will have some Widowmakers to fight through but nothing too big or horrible. It will not be too long before you make it back to where Two-Blade Pete is waiting for you:

Pete: "Lucky for you, Quinn, you made it. Good thing Alice isn't hurt."
Alice: "No thanks to you, Pete.  Were you gonna leave me with those goons. I thought you needed for the apothecary job."
Pete: "Shut up about that. Now, as for you, Quinn. You're off the hook for Alice, but a part of
 the gang, I've stll got work for you."
Hero: "That wasn't the deal, Pete. We dealt with the Widowmakers, Alice is back, Quinn's out."
Quinn: "Don't stir things up. Pete can make things really difficult around here for me. As long a I'm on the streets, I need to cooperate with him."
Hero: "Don't be an idiot. Pete's not your friend. He thinks everyone's expendable, especially you. You're just going to get in trouble again."
Quinn: "Sure, sure. I know that. C'mon, trust me. I just have to stay one step ahead of him"
Hero: "All right. It's your life. Be careful, Quinn. I'm not always going to be around to lend a hand."

After Pete and the rest of the gang leave you are approached by a Seraph Soldier. They tell you that Logan Thackeray would like to speak with you. Head up the slope to the North to the tarven. Time to talk with Logan once you are inside:
Logan Thackeray: "Thanks for coming. Not too busy to have a word with me, are you? I need some information about a thug named Two-Blade Pete."
Hero: "Pete, huh? I know him. He's always been trouble. These days, the less I have to do with him, the better I like it."
Logan: "Glad to hear it. His gang's mischief is getting downright deadly. Know anything about what they might be planning next?"
Hero: "I just helped my friend Quinn settle a score with him, and I heard a member of his gang mention an apothecary. That mean anything to you?"
Logan: "Apothecary? Hmm. Pete's goons have been sniff around Shaemoor. There's an apothecary there. That might be their next target."
Hero: "Probably. What'll happen to the gang when the Seraph catch them?"
Logan: "If they surrender peacefully, they'll get long prisoner stretches. If they don't, I can't guarantee their safety."
Hero: "My friend Quinn is mixed up in this. Give me a chance to talk him out of it?"
Logan: "That's asking a lot, but for the hero of Shaemoor, I"ll try. Get Quinn out fat. My soldiers will move in as soon as they see trouble."