Guild Wars 2 – Help the fishers of Triskell Quay
“Head to the water to fight krait, destroy their nets and check the fishermen's shrimp traps.”
Report to Mayor trisk in the center of Triskell Quay to learn more of what is going on. Seeing all the krait in the water nearby it is obvious that they are causing a lot of trouble for the good mayor.
First, go around the shore and look for downed Fishermen. They are just sitting around and waiting otherwise. It is a simple thing to get started and there are always plenty to be found around here. The krait here seem particularly aggressive. There are no lack of them and they are neatly marked on your map as well.
The next things you can do are in the water. The first is seeking out the shrimp traps. Clearing these help the fishermen but it will likely contain a very angry thundershrimp or worse inside it. They are at least lvl. 20 and will go at you with a vengeance.
Finally you have the abundance of krait in the water itself. They will sometimes raid the village for slaves and this will make sure that you can complete the quest before the event is over. There are a lot of krait and you seem to get credit for freeing those captured as well.
When the renown quest is complete you will get the letter, “The Fishers of Triskell Quay Send Thanks” with 1 silver, 9 copper:
“On behalf of all the fishers of Triskell Quay, I thank you for your much-needed help against the krait. With that menace dealt with, the people of this village may be able to earn an honest living again. It looks like all the fishers wounded by the krait will be able to make full recoveries. Had you not appeared when you did, it may have been too late for them. Your efforts this day will not be forgotten – Mayor Trisk.”
Be sure to visit Mayor Trisk again. He will now be selling the following Karma Items:
Triskellian Breather: 203 Karma
Medium Armor, Defense: 16, +6 Power, Lvl. 19
Triskellian Breather: 203 Karma
Light Armor, Defense: 12, +6 Vitality, Lvl. 19
Triskellian Breather: 203 Karma
Heavy Armor, Defense: 20, +6 Toughness, Lvl. 19
Fancy Triskellian Breather of Divinity: 406 Karma
Medium Armor, Defense: 18, +6 Power, Minor Rune of Divinity (1: +3 to all stats; +1% Critical Damage, 2: +3 to all stats; +1% Critical Damage), Lvl. 19
Fancy Triskellian Breather of Divinity: 406 Karma
Light Armor, Defense: 14, +6 Vitality, Minor Rune of Divinity (1: +3 to all stats; +1% Critical Damage, 2: +3 to all stats; +1% Critical Damage), Lvl. 19
Fancy Triskellian Breather of Divinity: 406 Karma
Heavy Armor, Defense: 22, +6 Toughness, Minor Rune of Divinity (1: +3 to all stats; +1% Critical Damage, 2: +3 to all stats; +1% Critical Damage), Lvl. 19
Triskell Hook Earrings: 203 Karma
Accessory: +7 Condition Damage, Lvl. 19
Crude Salvage Kit: 28