Guild Wars 2 – The Sting

This is the third mission in the Unknown Parents storyline for humans. It covers the branch where you chose to side with Countess Anise's plan (The Shining Blade) to set a trap for the White Mantle in the search for information on your parents. Head to the South of Queensdale into Kessex Hills. From there just head over to the East and you will find the entrance to the instance. It is also just North of the Delanian Waypoint.

Once inside the instance head across the water to the island in the middle of the river. There you will meet up with the strike force.
Logan Thackeray: “Get into position, everyone. I'll approach, and when they make their move, you all rush in and spring the trap.”
Countess Anise: “You, Captain? No offense, but the Shining Blade and the White Mantle have a long history. Don't you think I' would make a more tempting target?”
Logan: “No doubt. But wouldn't that seem a little suspicious? You out walking alone, the queen nowhere in sight … At least I move about on my own regularly.”
Exemplar Salia: “That's a good point. Where do you want us, then, Captain? Anywhere is fine, so long as we're close to the action.”
Hero: “The ruins at the top of this hill would make for good cover. They're well elevated; we'd be able to see and hear everything.”
Logan: “Sounds perfect. Just be ready to move quickly when things turn ugly.”

Head up the slope to your left. It will only take a short while to get to the top of the hill. Once there, just wait a moment for another cutscene:
Inquisitor Mirella: “Well, Captain Logan Thackeray! A long way from home, aren't we? I thought we saved you for last,. But since you're here ...”
Logan: “Oh dear, of mercy. The White Mantle is upon me. Woe! Lamentation! Is this the end for poor Logan?”
Mirella: “Are … are … are you mocking me? I don't think you understand how this works. White Mantle!Give the captain a demonstration.”
Logan: “No, thanks. I think I already have a pretty good idea. Now!”

It starts with 5 Cultists, Lvl. 16. Fight through them. Once you get through the first wave, 3 more, much like the first will come charging at you. Wade through the swarms of White Mantle. The second has at least 8 Cultists to get it moving. The third seems smaller with 4 but it swells quickly. It will also have Inquisitor Mirella in there. She is a Veteran and Lvl. 18 to boot. She is an elementalist so keep that in mind. She can do a lot of damage, enough to take down anyone in your party. Focus first on the minions so you can easily just tear through them. This will also make it easier to handle her.

When you kill off Mirella then another cutscene will begin:
Hero: “Well, I'm glad that's over with.”
Anise: “I think we were too easy on them, personally. After multiple attempted murders and abusing the memory of your parents, they got off light.”
Logan: “Will you be all right?”
Hero: “I … I think so, yeah. Thanks for asking.”
Exemplar Mehid: “Speaking of your parents … With this phase of the operation complete, I can tell you that Salia and I think we've located your parents' last known residence.”
Hero: “That's fantastic! I want to check it out. If Anise can spare you two for one more mission, I mean.”
Anise: “By all means. The Shining Blade is in your debt. It's the least we can do.”
Mehid: “The house is south of the Delanian Foothills. We'll meet you there, and if there's anything worth finding, we'll find it.”

That concludes this mission and clears the way forward to the next one, “The Ashes of the Past.”