Guild Wars 2 – Searching for the Truth

This is the start of the Charr storyline where you must track down your Sorcerous Shaman Father and confront him about something. It begins with a trip up to Rytlock Brimstone's office. Head over there with the Imperator's Waypoint. From there just turn to the South and it will be no problem to find the entrance to the instance.

Once inside the instance head to the East through the door into the office. You will find Rytlock Brimstone and Laria Sharpeye waiting inside for you. Approach them to begin the conversation:
Rytlock Brimstone: “We have a delicate situation here, Legionnaire. Tell me what you know about your sire, and make it quick.”
Hero: “Name: Clement Forktail. Rank: Flame Legion shaman. He's a notorious traitor and an enemy of the Black Citadel. Not to mention an embarrassment to me. I've broken several jaws reminding people that I'm not responsible for my father's actions.”
Rytlock: “I know. I've seen the incident reports. And now Forktail wants to turn himself in. Claims he'll provide critical information on Flame Legion activities. The catch is, he'll only turn himself over to you. After all these years, he wants us to think he's seen the errors in his ways.”
Hero: “I'll be happy to collect him for you, Tribune. Just don't expect a tearful reunion between sire and cub.”
Rytlock: “I expect you to handle this with your usual efficiency. Forktail will be waiting at the Toppled Wall. Bring him in – alive. Dismissed!”

Leave the first instance and head to the Ascalonian Catacombs or the Ascalon City Waypoint. This will cut down your travel immensely. Head to the Northwestern side of the Viewing Hill (A point of interest) to find the entrance to the next instance.

Head to the North, into the Toppled Wall. You have at least a trio of Harpy Hunters (Lvl. 11) waiting just inside the entrance. They patrol back and forward at the entrance so be ready for them. Defeat them and then go you the stairs to the East. They just only a little ways past the entrance so they can be easy to miss.

At the top of the steps you have 5 more Harpy Hunters waiting for you. Turn to the West and you have another set of them to go through. This one only have 4 Hunters, making it marginally easier. Just head over to the West through the archway. You will find your sire there.

Clement Forktail: “It's good to see you, cub. I see you've made some changes to your warband. I wasn't sure if the Citadel would actually send you … or if you'd come.”
Hero: “I came to bring you in, Forktail. That's all. You're going to pay for your crimes and provide the information you promised.”
Clement: “That's what I want, too, but the Flame Legion doesn't. They've been sending assassins after me ever since I reached out to the Black Citadel. They were right on my tail until I holed up here. If they saw you come in, they're probably on their way.”
Hero: “Let them come. Warband! The Flame Legion is about to join this party. Spread out and defend the hallway.”

Just after your sire finishes saying that you have the first wave of assassins: 3 stalkers and 1 Smoke shaman. They are followed by 4 bladestorms and 1 Flame Shaman. Finally comes Clavus the Breathstealer, a lvl. 11 warrior with a 2-handed sword. Lay into him quickly and keep yourself healthy. Light and Medium will want to hang back some to lessen the damage. Otherwise just charge in and keep healing as best you can.

Hero: “What was that, Forktail? Some kind of ambush? What's your game?”
Clement: “This is no game. Those assassins were after me, not you. Flame is planning something big, and the entire Black Citadel is in danger. They'll kill me and anyone with me to keep this secret. Just get me back to the Citadel. Once we're safe, I'll tell you what you want to know.”
Hero: “Yes. You will. Warband! Take the prisoner back to the Citadel's stockade and lock him up. I'll follow and make sure you're not being pursued. Watch for ambushes along the way. Brimstone wants Forktail alive, and that's how we're going to deliver him. Move out!”

With that fight done, leave the instance and travel back to the Black Citadel via the Hero's Waypoint. Just head to the West into the Black Citadel itself. Take the very first right (it has a jail sign above it) to get to the stockades and the final part of this quest. Head over to the Western side to find your sire and have some words with him:
Seneca the Relentless: “So this is the traitor's cub. Tell me, does treason run in the family?”
Hero: “Does stupidity run in yours? Address a legionnaire likle that again and I'll put you on scrap duty in the Brand. Now walk away. I need to talk to this prisoner.”
Senecea: “Yes, Legionnaire. Sorry, Legionnaire. I'll leave you to your interrogation. And if the prisoner gets damaged in the process, I won't have seen a thing.”
Clement: “I'm glad your here. There isn't much time: Flame is planning to move against the citadel's highest ranking officers, but I don't know when or how.”
Hero: “That's convenient … for you. How do I get more details?”
Clement: “head out to Lamia Mire. There's a Flame Legion recruiter there named Skulltwister. I've led him to think you're interested in changing sides, like I was. He'll treat you like a potential convert. If you won't give you the details you need, you'll have to force them out of him. But from what I've seen, you can handle that.”
Hero: “Don't try and flatter me. I'll check out this Skulltwister, but if you're wasting my time, you'll suffer for it.”

Leave the instance to get started on the next mission, “Stoking the Flame.”