Guild Wars 2 – Raven's Revered

This is the Fast Travel to the Doldenvan Passage in Wayfarer Foothills. Here you will meet Eir. Head on ti the South and deeper into the cave system in front of you. Turn West when you need to. Once you make it across the bridge you will find the Havroun you are looking for.

He is engaged with the Dredge here. All of them are lvl. 7. Kill off those around him and then talk with him. Apparently the Dredge have stolen an idol from Raven's Shrine and Weibi has gone into the caves to take it back:
Havroun Weibi: “Well, well. 'Hero's name', the Slayer of Issormir, and the mighty Eir Stegalkin. How about giving me a hand? Dredge stole something from the Raven Shrine, and I mean to get it back.”
Hero A) “We'll help, but we need to talk.”
Weibi A) “First things first. This isn't a safe place to chat. Let's sort out the dredge, get my property back, and then we'll talk.

Hero B) “How do you know us?”
Weibi B) “I serve Raven, the Spirit of Knowledge and Foresight. I make it my business to know who are, might be, or have been, important.”
Hero A) “I'm flattered, but we need your help. From the look of things, you could use ours too.”

Start to the West. As you begin up the slope, 3 Dredge, 2 lvl. 7 and a lvl. 6, will pop out of the ground. Continue on to the West. There you will find 4 more Dredge waiting around the next bend. Engage them and it will not be long before they are dead at your feet as well. Any nearby excavators will likely join the fray as well. Keep moving to avoid getting swarmed at any one point.

Press on to the West after that. You will find a Dredge Cannon waiting around the corner so be careful when you are heading over there. Once they are all dead, then Weibi will run ahead. This is followed by your conversation with him:
Havroun Weibi: “Ah, at last! The idol they stole from our shrine, my Raven peck out their dead eyes! Now … what did you want?”
Hero: “Havroun Svena sent us. There's trouble in the spirit world. Deep, dark trouble.”
Weibi: “Deep and dark are my specialties. But it is rare to see Svena ask for help. Snow leopards love their independence. Why is she so rattled?”
Hero: “Somehow, the Sons of Svanir have entered the spirit world, and now the Wolf havroun is missing.”
Eir: “Havroun Solvi's apprentice is trapped in the Mists. We find the apprentice's spirit; we find Solvi.”
Hero: “We need a second havroun who can take us to the Mists, fight off Jormag's followers, and rescue Valda with us. Svena recommended you.”
Weibi: “Absolutely. Anything for a fellow havroun, especially if it means harming Sons of Svanir. I'll meet you in Hoelbrak's Great Lodge after I return this idol.

After that conversation there is one more round of fighting to go. Head over to the East and start on your way out. You need to best the remaining 5 Dredge and Captain Stanzy. Head East from there and you will find the exit to this Instance. Choose your reward and then it is onto “Into the Mists.”