Guild Wars 2 – A Sparkling Rescue

Head to the Old Golem Foundry Waypoint. Here you want to head to the South of the balcony that the renown heart is on. Just a little past it you will find the entrance to the next mission of the College of Synergistics storyline.

Head to the West to meet up with Mr. Sparkles. It is time to start rescuing (or aiding) Zojja. Break down the door in front of you and start into a cavern behind it. There will be a number of prisoners streaming out and 2 Inquest Extinguishers who fall to a single hit (if not outright to immolation). As you turn to the North and find the entrance the first chamber proper a few things stand out. The first is that it is on fire. The second is you are attacked by 2 Inquest and a Mark I Golem, all Lvl. 6. Defeat them, loot the bodies (in case it is not habit already) and head into the Inquest complex proper.

Once inside there, head to the North through the massive chamber. Once you are through that chamber, look to the East. You will see a Mark II Golem guarding an entry way. A “Zojja is this way” kind of sign. Break it and head on down that passage. At the end of the passage you will find Zojja fighting off a pair of assassins. Help her out. It will not be long before they all are dead and it is just you, Zojja and Mr. Sparkles:
Hero: “Zojja, are you hurt? We came to rescue you, but judging from the fire and fallen Inquest, you handled it well on your own.”
Zojja: 'Not quite. It took all I had to get this far and hold them off. Thanks, by the way. I did not want to jump off this cliff. I hate getting wet. They've been testing your teleporter on more innocents. When they're done, the subjects are disposed of with a prototype incinerator golem. When I busted out, their next victim was behind a force field by the stiars. You probably saw him on the way in.”
Hero: “I did. And it's time to get Inquest to cease and desist … which means let's go smash us a prototype incinerator golem.”
Zojja: “Done and done. You take the lead. Mr Sparkles and I will watch your back.”

Head back into the complex and go to the Southwest. As you enter the big chamber, turn to the West. You will find the Prototype Incinerator Golem waiting at the end of the corridor there. It is lvl. 7 so be ready for a tougher fight. It throw unsurprisingly large amount of fire around for the battle. Mr. Sparkles does a great job of tanking while Zojja gives support to both of you. You just worry about fighting. With that golem destroyed, turn around and report back to Zojja:

Zojja: “That's one less mechanism for the Inquest to exploit the innocent. Now for the bad news: Varkk sold you out.” I didn't want to say anything at first – I hate betrayals even more than getting wet – and I figured, hey, you might get killed, and then I wouldn't have to tell you.”
Hero: “Pragmatic, as always. But I can't believe that about Varkk. I've known him for ages, and he's always been loyal to the krewe.”
Zojja: “Not this time. Varkk is working with the Inquest. How else could they have known about our ambush plans? Why else would they kidnap Pol? Sorry, did I neglect to mention that, too? They took Pol to keep him quiet, and to use as leverage against you. That gives you a tough choice to make. Varkk is slippery, and Pol's in danger. Go after one, you'll lose the other. So tell me, what's more important to you: revenge, or rescue? Whichever you choose, I'm coming with you.”

This is the split point in the quest. You can rescue Pol (“Stand by your Krewe”) or exacting revenge on Varkk (“Political Homicide”). The choice is yours.