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Torchlight 2 Walkthrough Part 4: The Ember Keys
By Eric Woods
Published on 09/28/2012
This walkthrough covers the Ember Keys mission in Torchlight 2.

This mission is far more substantial than the last few. You will have to find two items to activate the Watchweald Temple's teleporter, so head out in search of the Passkey Ember and its companion, the Watchweald Ember. The former will be located somewhere inside of the Slaver's Stockade, while the latter will be found in the Emberscratch Mines. These are subzones of the Frosted Hills area, which stretches on practically as far as the eye can see.

This will also mark a turning point in the enemies you face. You will have to face off against the most challenging enemies you've come across thus far, and they will be equipped with projectile weapons that can deal decent damage to you. Especially dangerous are the Mikra Frostbiners, who can summon circular traps. When you see  a glowing blue pentagram on the ground, run out of the way as soon as you can or you will find yourself in the midst of a group of projectile spewing orbs.

Make your way to the Slaver's Camp first. It will naturally be full of tons of bandits. There will also be an Assassin enemy inside. These annoying guys can teleport straight through walls to get in close and damage you. Alternately, when you start dealing damage back to them, they can teleport away to relative safety. When you finish off the enemies in the camp, search its corners for loot and treasure. When you're ready, proceed to the entrance of the Stockade. The Ember is inside of the Stockade, but it's naturally accompanied by tons of Named's. Buff yourself and your pet if possible before entering the structure.

The Stockade is a cramped and tense area. Keep your finger poised over the potion hotkey, as you will likely need to pop at least a few before you crawl out of the other side of this melee. If possible, you should also use healing abilities or equip regenerating armor or weapons. Anything to give you the health advantage will go towards your eventual victory. When all of the enemies die, they will drop the Ember you were looking for. Now it's time to free the prisoners. Head cage by cage and open them all up, freeing the prisoners inside. Some of the cells hold a sinister surprise for you, though, so be careful. These cells will randomly trigger enemies to spawn outside of them as soon as you enter. They're just weak little Skeletons, though, so it's not a huge deal and it shouldn't discourage you from exploring the area to its fullest.

After you have finished with the Stockade, leave it and head back out into the Frosted Hills. Head to the Mines now. Be careful on your way over, as you may encounter a Named enemy near the mines entrance. Even the basic enemies are dangerous enough in their own right in this frigid area.

The entrance to the Mines will most likely be at a lower elevation, so head down past the out of the way approach to reach it. When you get inside, you will most likely find yourself in the midst of a bunch of annoying Goblins. These guys may be weak by themselves, but they have a penchant for pelting you with explosives until you die a sudden and unexpected death. Watch your health as you carve your way through them. Don't hesitate to use potions, as there are almost always more around the corner. Equipping yourself with an item that has protection from fire is a great idea in this area.

You will also find TNT barrels as you head deeper into the mines. These will obviously eplode after a few seconds. You have merely to make contact with them to trigger the timer, so be careful. Alternately, keep an eye out for TNT Detonators. Tripping one of these will actually help you out by blasting open a secret area. These areas typically contain lots of treasure.

When you reach the end of the Mines, you will have to face off against King Pogg. He has solid reach on him, and he attacks without hesitation. You should try to eliminate all of the TNT barrels from the area before settling in to a serious fight against this guy. The TNT can be really annoying when you are in the midst of battle and don't really notice it. Also, kill any Goblin Foremen that may spawn into the area before you truly focus on King Pogg. After taking out all of the distractions, the battle will become significantly easier. Just keep your fingers poised to restore your health and mana.

After killing King Pogg, take the Ember for yourself. Search his throne room to find lots of treasure, and then head back out through the hills and to the teleporter that you needed to activate before. Use both of the Embers to activate the teleporter, and you will be cleared for the next mission.