Guild Wars 2 – Help Gavros Spiritfoe and the charr patrols

“Search for Ascalonian Hammers, light torches to guide patrols, and thin the ghostly hordes of Devast.”

Head to the North from the Ashford Forum. There, just a little to the East, you will find Spiritfoe's camp. Approach and talk with him to learn what is going on around here with the ghosts:
Garvos Spiritfoe: “You there! We could use your help dealing with all those ghosts around here.”
Hero: “What kind of help?”
Garvos: “Head into the ruins, and exterminate ghosts with us. Help our patrols look for ancient weapons, and wreak havoc!
Hero A) “Patrols?” B) What weapons are you looking for?” C) “Having ghost problems?”
Garvos A) “Yes, you'll see plenty of soldiers heading into the ruins. They need help lighting the way, and fighting ghosts.”
Garvos B) “Anything gostly you see lying around. We'd love to fight these ghots with their own weaponry.”
Garvos C) “Flaming ghosts! They attack anyone they can see. Kill some, and maybe they'll leave us be for a bit.”

The easiest of all these to seek out are the ghosts. There are dozens in the surrounding area and to the South of the camp. Just wandering around you will be able to find more than enough to complete the quest there. Still, there is a better place to look around for ghosts and some of their artifacts.

Head to the South for Spiritfoe's camp and you will find the Abbey Ruins. Once inside there you will find an Ascalonian Hammer just sitting on the ground. Grabbing it will summon the ghost of a Ascalonian Captain who you will need to fight. Head deeper into the ruins to find more ghosts and very likely, some unconcious Iron Legion Soldiers. Revive them for some progress. If you have some progress to go and are in the depths of the Abbey Ruins then head over to the right. There you will find a sharp blade that you can possibly wield against the ghosts there.

Thoughout the area you will occasionally find a torch you can light. These are not a bad way to do things but they are very hard to find.

When the renown quest is complete you will get the letter, “Excellent Work” with 75 copper:
“For the moment, the Devast District is ghost free, in no small part because you came to the aid of me and my patrols. While no victory over the ghost is ever permanent, the respite made possible by your efforts will give us time to recover and regroup. You should also know that some of the Ascalonian artifacts we recovered show promise in understanding the nature of the ghosts.

“Hopefully, this insight will lead to a turn in the tide of battle – Garvos Spiritfoe”

Talk with Garvos as he will now offer the following Karma items:
Proton Torch: 105 Karma
Weapon Strength: 144 – 169, +7 Precision, lvl. 10
Sealed Iron Legion Ghost Trap: 119 Karma
Accessory, +4 Power, lvl. 8
Ascalonian Signet Ring: 140 Karma
Ring, +5 Power, lvl. 8
Crude Salvage Kit: 28 Karma