Guild Wars 2 – A Trap Foiled

Head for the Osenfold Waypoint and then head South to the Bridge, cross it to the East and head over to the start of the instance. It is just above Hangrammr Climb, close to the summit of the mountain. Head inside when you find the entrance. Once inside the instance it is time to talk with Eir again:

Hero: “We're close, but so are the Sons of Svair. I see mutliple trails overlapping Minotaur's. They're closing in.”
Eir Stegalkin: “The Sons are moving in small parties. If we're careful, we can take out one group at a time before they even notice.”
Hero: “Cunning tactics. I like, assuming 'careful' doesn't mean 'gentle'.”
Eir: “Absolutely not. Just don't draw any attention to yourself. Apart from that, we can hit them as hard as we like.”
Hero: “That's what I wanted to hear. Let's get started.”

At most immediately you are attacked by a pair of Sons. They are both lvl. 6. Now head on up the slope to the first platue. There you will find a small group of Sons. They are 4 strong. Be careful on the approach to stay away from the grass and to look down. There are bear traps laid out to make noise and trap minotaurs. You need to avoid those as best possible.  Defeat the Sons and their Icebrood Wolf then look around the tents. You will find an unconscious Norn sprawled there. Revive and talk with them. This is Linnea and Bjarni, the quest givers for “Honoring Hare”. Reviving them will add their strength to your party. You also get a personality choice (or just letting them go) as well.

Head past the tent to approach the next group. Now you need to take on 4 more of the Sons.  After you defeat them, a pair of Sons will appear behind you. Quickly take them out so they does not bother you long. Head a little to the Southeast to find a few more Sons that you have the option of killing.

Head now to the West, across the bridge. You can see on the other side the Minotaur Spirit is fighting something there.

Eir Stegalkin: “Easy, Garm. There it is. The Spirit of Minotaur. The Sons of Svanir have it surrounded.”
Hero: “Not for long. Hey! The Minotaur Spirit is under our protection. Lower your weapons and back away.”
Jamgrimm: “Never. This is our prey, and you're poaching!”
Hero: “I'll poach your head and hang it by the elk horns in Hoelbrak. Now, back off! Last chance!”
Jamgrimm: “Kill them, brothers! Dragon's minion must feed!”

Time to fight Jamgrimm and his few lackeys. Jamgrimm himself is a spellcaster: an Elementalist. This means comparatively softer than his lackeys. He will immediately summon and send a pair of Icebrood wolves after you and the Spirit. His 2 lackeys are both Archers, making them easier to kill as well. The problem is there are 2 ballista around as well. You need to take them out or the people behind them. One is to the West and the seccond is to the North.

Eir Stegalkin: “Relax, Slayer. The Spirit knows we're not enemies. Look closely. You'll see recognition in his eyes, and a strong measure of gratitude. Now look at his wounds, how haggard and weak he is. See the mud on his hooves?”
Hero: “Looks like it's from Darkriven Bluffs. He probably picked up the mud and the wounds in the same place.”
Eir: “And that's where we'll find them – the Sons and the captive minotaurs. So how do we get past the guards to rescue the prisoners?”
Hero: “We could dress up like beer merchants, get the Sons drunk, and trick our way in.”
Eir: “Good. Or you could ask for Minotaur's blessing. If he transforms you into a minotaur, you could get clsoe enough to break them out. So … fool some drunken Sons, or cause a minotaur stampede? Let me know what you decide. Legends have to learn to make choices like this.”

Talk with Eir again to go over the merits of each plan as well as decide which path you will take: the Beer Merchants (“One Good Drink Deserves Another”) or accepting Minotaur's Blessing (“Shape of the Spirit”). The choice is yours.