Guild Wars 2 – Help the Seraph Protect Claypool from the Centaurs

“Defeat Centaurs, destroy their holdings, and find ways to weaken their presence in the area.”

Head to the East from the Township of Claypool into the Heartwoods nearby. Head pver tpSeraph Soldier Elmder to learn what is going on in the area:

Seraph Soldier Elmder: “The centaurs are a constant threat. You can never let up. Show any weakness, and they're on you like flies on carrion.
Hero: A) “I never show weakness. And I'll prove it to you.” (Ferocity), B) “You probably never get a break, do you? Let me handle them for a while” (Charm) C) “Can I help?”
Elmder A) “Prove it to me? How?”
Hero C) “Let me deal with those centaurs for you.”
Elmder B) “Oh, yeah, that'd be a ton of help. Anything you can do take them down a notch makes it easier on us.”
Hero C) “Have any suggestions?”
Elmder C) “Sure, harass them like they do us. Burn their stuff, steal their supplies, kill them. Anything to break them.”

Head out into the surrounding area. Time to start hunting down centaurs. They will gather around their holdings, a simple tent. Just start slaughtering any herd of them you happen to find. As you wander the area to the South of the starting point you will find a number of different centaur camps.

Each of the camps have a number of centaurs, at least 6. Around each of them you will find at most 4 supply crates. Destroy them with your basic attacks. After that just focus in the hut. All together it will take a while to tear through everything. Still, this thorough approach will make sure that you get the most progress out of each camp that you can.

When you finish this quest you will get the letter, “Great Work” with 71 copper from Seraph Elmder:
“The centaurs are shaken. You can see it in their eyes. Demoralizing the enemy is key, and you helped me make that happen.

Thank you, soldier. Your deed have made Claypool that much more secure – Seraph Elmder”

Head back to Seraph Elmder after completing the quest and he will be selling the follow Karma items:
Centaur Arrowhead: 126 Karma
Accessory, +4 Precision, Lvl: 9
Recovered Cloth Leggings: 140 Karma
Light Armor, Defense: 23, +5 Precision, Lvl: 9
Recovered Leather Leggings: 140 Karma
Medium Armor, Defense: 26, +5 Condition Damage, Lvl: 9
Recovered Heavy Leggings: 140 Karma
Heavy Armor, Defense: 28, +5 Vitality, Lvl: 9
Elmder's Mace: 98 Karma
Mace, Weapon Strength: 160 – 180, +7 Condition damage, Lvl: 9
Elmder's Warhorn: 98 Karma
Warhorn, Weapon Strength: 146 – 161, Lvl: 9
Crude Salvage kit: 28 Karma