Guild Wars 2 – Honor the Spirit of Wolf

“Commune with the sacred wolves to start a pack hunt, defeat Sons of Svanir, and free cubs.”

In the Southern part of the Borealis Forest you will find this quest. It is offered by ShamanVigmarr.

Shaman Vigmarr: “The Sons of Svanir camp hear us like predators. They're fools, standing in the open. With Wolf's pack you can easily scare them off.”
Hero: “I'll join the pack and fight the Sons of Svanir who threaten you.”
Vigmarr: “Commune with the Sacred Wolves near this shrine. If Wolf's spirit calls to you, you may join the pack on a hunt.”
Hero: “What happens on a hunt?”
Vigmarr: “Stay with the pack. Together you must hunt Sons of Svanir. Ruin their banners and free the captured cubs.”

Head around the area and look for Sacred Wolves. They are very close by and all around. Commune with them and they will offer let you join in on a hunt. Keep with the wolves and they will offer a constant flow of progress. They will lead you up the hill toward the nearby Sons of Svanir camp. Explore the area and search for wolf cages. Any case you find them, open them up. It will free wolf pups that were tricked.

As you wander with the pack numerous bands of Sons of Svanir will attack you and your wolves. Defend the wolves as best you can and kill the Sons quickly. They are not the hardiest foes around so they tend to fall quick anyway. You can destroy the Dragon Banners in those as well to earn progress.

Once you have completed the task you will receive the letter, “Praise from the Pack” with 52 copper:
“Greetings, Hero's name. You have pleased Wolf with your fierce determination and the help you have given his pack. Come visit the shrine soon. Wolf has many fraternal gifts to offer you. - Shaman Vigmarr, Wolf Shaman”

Shaman Vigmarr will now offer the following Karma items:
Wolf Totem: 84 Karma
+3 Healing Power, Accessory, Level: 4
Wolf Offering: 28 Karma
Consumable, Bless of Wolf (10 minutes): Increased Vitality
Potion of Wolf Transformation: 105 Karma
Double-click to become a wolf
Crude Salvage Kit: 28 Karmam