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Guild Wars 2 – Support Doola's Golemancing Research
By Douglas Shepard (Editor in Chief, RarityGuide.com)
Published on 07/23/2012
A series of articles covering Guild Wars 2. This articles covers, "Support Doola's Golemancing Research." It covers how to repair golems, play RC Golem Chess and give information to the assistant golems.

Guild Wars 2 – Support Doola's Golemancing Research

“Experiment on sleeping golems, participate in RC Golem chess, provide data for golem assistants and repair powered-down control panels for welder golems.”

Just outside of the starting pyramid is Calcutician Doola. Talk with her to learn more about what she would like you to do for her.
Doola: It's getting harder and harder to keep up with all the golems. Everything thinks they can be the next great golemancer, but Doola rises above the pretenders.
Hero: Aren't you Doola?
Doola: Of course. The Arcane council has assigned me to keep metrics and records on all the golems in Soren Draa. They thought they could sideline me with paperwork, but my golemancing days are far from over.
Hero: What kind of golemancing are you working on?
Doola: I'm doing many things. Too many to explain to anyone unless that anyone was interested in assisting me.
Hero: I'm willing to lend a hand.
Doola: I'm running experiments throughout the Hinterlabs and Soren Draa: sleeping golems that simplfy golem repair, games of RC Golem chess, golem assistants with personality, and golem welders tasked with fine-tuning my creations.
Hero: A) Tell me about the sleeping golems B) Tell me about RC Golem chess C) Tell me about these golem assistants D) Tell me about the golem welders
Doola A: The most opportune time to perform maintainance on a golem is when it's asleep. My revolutionary work had led to fully modular golem inner workings that can be removed, swapped or rearranged on the fly
Doola B: RC Golem chess is based on my remote control device for golems. I embed a device in reach control panel around a chess board. It's not yet ready for mass productions, but you're welcome to test my prototype.
Doola C: Golem assistants are excellent observers and data-storers. Each one has been infused with just a soupcan of personality. It's entirely artifical of course, but they can be quite devious.
Doola D: Golem welders are tasked with bringing newly constructed golems up to code. Unfortunately, the panels that regulate their power have malfunctioned, causing the golem welders to shut down
Hero (from Doola D): What can I do to fix them?
Doola: The repairs require “The Fixer” Wrench. I've left a few lying about the area. Use one on the control panels and those golem welders will be back to work in no time. “The Fixer” Wrench is the right tool for almost any job.

RC Golem Chess Intstructions
Head to the Southeast from Doola and you will find the prototypes of the RC Golem Chess Boards Approach any of the boards and it will ask if you would like instructions on how to play.
Observe your skill bar. Selecting one of those actions will send the order to your RC Golem. Notice the 5th skill recharging. This is the time remaining for your turn. Your turn will end when skill 5 is done recharging.

Ordering your golem to attack or move forward will end your turn. Please remember that only one golem can occupy a square at a time. You can turn your golem left or right as many times as you wish while it is your turn.

After your turn ends, it will become your opponent's turn. You cannot send any orders to your golem during this time. So you should use this time to plan your next move.

After the game begins, some squares will be occupied by non-golem enetities called power-ups. Move your golem into a power-up will be beneficial to you. The game will end when a RC Golem is defeated. Give it a shot.

Play a few games. It is very simple and very similar to a turn-based Battle Bots. Just have fun with it.

Experiment on Sleeping Golems.
Each of the different golems has a different reaction. There is no proper activation sequence. Just keep playing with the ones that you like to quickly fill the gauge

Provide Data for Golem Assistants.
Head down the hill to the stone circle. At about the juncture between the path going South and East you will find one of the Golem Assistants. Talk with it begin helping it.
Golem: Scanning. Intelligent-lifeform-detected. Will-you-provide-data?
Hero: A) Yes, of course. What do you need? B) What do you need my data for?
Golem: A) Utlizie-this-mafunctioning-staff. I-will-record-your-data. Remain-in-close-proximity.

Your hero is giving a Malfunctioning Staff. Think about this a second, it is not going to go well. There is a very high (almost certain) chance that spell will go wrong. With the staff you have 4 spells: Lightning Surge, Shockwave, Fiery Shield and Healing Rain. Just cast a few spells to make some progress then set the staff down. Your hero will set it down automatically after you have cast all 4 spells.

Repair Powered-down Control Panels for Welder Golems
Grab any “Fixer” Wrench you see lying around. With that, look for 2 small drones nearby a tiny control panel. With the wrench in hand, approach it and interact with it. This will activate the nearby golem which will spin around with a rapidly draining health bar. After it has drained, it will refill Green and be repaired.

Once you have completed the event you will receive the letter: “Excelsior?”
“You've done some fine work, 'Hero Name'. It's not often I find myself impressed by the work of another. I've even heard a number of krewes mention your name with both admiration and jealousy. And while admiration is nice, jealousy is the sweet nectar of others' bitterness. - Doola”. You are awarded 45 copper.