Game of Thrones Walkthrough Part 86 – Alester – Fight Fire with Fire, Part 5

Riverspring Castle: Right Wing
HJead to the West from the entryway and down the corridor. Just at the next corner is a pair of Bloodseekers. One is in Light Armor and the other is in Heavy Armor. The minute you engage them, it becomes apparent it was not just those 2. 3 more Bloodseekers will quickly join the battle. 1 is in Medium Armor and the rest are in Light Armor. It becomes a more difficult fight but working carefully with Alester and Ryman, it can be beat.

Head around the corner now and turn to the South. Head up the stairs and open the double doors. On the other side is a pair of Bloodseekers. One is in Light Armor while the other is in Medium Armor. With them dead, turn to the West to press on.

Just around the next corner is a Trio of Bloodseekers. 2 will come charging into melee in Medium Armor while the third in Light Armor holds their original position and fires at the Sarwycks. Just up the stairs from them is a single Bloodseeker in Light Armor who also needs to be dealt with. After that, turn to the South and head into Alester's Bedchamber. Inside is a pair of Bloodseekers in Heavy and Light Armor.

Head on up the rest of the stairs and it is time to investigate the bedchambers. In the Southern one you will find 2 Bloodseekers looting it. One is in Medium Armor and the other is in Light Armor. Both will come charging into melee with the Sarwycks. Be sure to check the fireplace in this room to find a Westeros Archive and a Seal of Knowledge. This archive gives the codex entry, “The Andals.”

With them all dead, turn to the East and open the door to the balcony above the Throne Room. Just on the other side is a Boss in Heavy Armor. Fight your way through him then around the balcony. There are multiple groups of Bloodseekers. First is a pair of Bloodseekers: one in Medium and one in Heavy Armor.  After them them is a pair of Bloodseekers in Heavy Armor. The final group is 3 Bloodseekers. One is in each type of armor. Defeat them and continue around the next corner to find Greydon.