Game of Thrones Walkthrough Part 64 – Mors – Promise, Part 2

Objective: “Your group will be staying here for the night. Use this time to better acquaint yourself with your new companions.”
Be sure to take some time to level up Mors. He likely hit level 7, which means he can choose his second stance. Now he will gain 4 stance points a level. This is very helpful to fill out any trees that you have been working on. Enough of that, time to talk with people.

Objective: “Talk with Jeyne.”
You can talk with Jeyne and ask after either her silver hair or how the father of her child is. Either one eventually reveals the same information. She is a bastard daughter of the Mad King,  Aerys Targaryen. She also confirms that her child is that of Robert Baratheon. She is supremely confident of the raven-black hair of the Baratheons winning out over the Silver hair of the Targaryens. She talks of her mother and the fact she has been on the run much of her life. She does blame Robert for launching a purge on the Targaryens and sees them as vile people. She wants her child to have nothing to do with them and to live a much more free life than what she had.

Objective: “Speak with Endrew.”
Head toward the dock to the North from Jeyne. There you will find Endrew to talk with. He would like to learn more of Mors' past. Mors can either be frank with him or he can change the subject. Being frank yields a conversation solely about their motives. Nothing much is said that is not heard in the other conversation
Changing the subject reveals that Mors is suspicious of him. He is often entrusted with delicate matters such as infiltration. Mors knows nothing of their lord and for that, distrusts them. Endrew hopes to gain his trust through healing Jeyne.

Talk with him again and you can ask about Valarr or being out of danger. Talking of Valarr yields he has a ferocious reputation and has the interest of the queen. There is something odd, according to his men, about him. Mors chalks it up to men being men and talking being their superiors back about them.  Asking about the danger reveals that there are 100 men around them as support. Endrew gives a quite detailed account of the distance covered and explains some of Valarr's situation as well. Sounds like this smaller force is in a better position than Valarr's for mobility. After that, you can either take the answer in good faith or see the men as something that slows your progress.

Before Mors heads the final distance to the North, ehad over to the East first. Behind Endrew you will find the ruins of a house. As Mors passes through the archway, look to the right. There you will find a Waraxe for the taking. Next, shift over to the Dog and look on the left-hand side. You will spot a shutter and just past it a broken vase. The vase contains a hidden treasure so mark to for Mors to find. It contains 22 silver.

Objective: “Speak with Ethan.”
Head over to the Dock. Look to the right of Ethan, along the Eastern edge of the dock itself. You will find a skeleton there in the reeds. Investigate it to find a Westeros Archive and a Seal of Knowledge. The archive gives the codex entry, “House Greyjoy.” Now approach Ethan himself. He asks why a Sworn Brother is in the middle of the Riverlands with Jeyne as company. Mors can either brush him off or clarify the situation. Brushing him off some reveals his surprise at Mors simply being away from the Wall. He gives nothing away as Ethan does not know why their Lord wants the girl, only that he is charged with taking care of her. Clarifying the situation has them about of how it is Mors' mission to protect the woman. They talk then of the Game of Thrones itself and Mors' preference for “the shadow of the wall.”

Talking with him again will let you ask either about the realm or how he came to be captain so young. Talking about the realm turns out rehash of Arryn dying and that Robert went to recruit Eddard Strak to be the next Hand. Apparently the King is planning a tournament as well. He does note that the King's mind seems to be elsewhere though. Asking about him being Captain has him reveal he was in the Greyjoy revolt that the Lannisters help repel.

With all the talking done, it is time for Mors to return to Jeyne. She will ask you to talk of the grave markers behind the house. Mors can either push it off, saying it will only make it worse or choose to reveal what he feels. Either way, Jeyne and Mors talk of how little they trust their “allies.” After this talk, your party will arrive in Castlewood.