Made to Order
Achievement Rewards: Banner Pattern (Full Waves)
Craft 5 Items

Achievement Reward: Banner Sigil (Great Shield)
Craft 100 Items

Makers of Masterpieces
Craft 200 artisan level 10 items

Reclaim Without Shame
Salvage the following types of items:

You can salvage items at the Blacksmith, as early as in New Tristram. There is a tab for salvaging. Salvaging an item gives you a crafting ingredient.

One Hero's Trash
Achievement Reward: Banner Accent (Crossed Maces)
Salvage each of the following crafting materials:
Subtle Essence
Fallen Tooth

Just keep salvaging magic items and you should get these materials eventually.

One Warror's Trash
Salvage each of the following crafting materials:
Shimmering Essence
Lizard Eye

Salvage a lot of magic and rare items, and you are bound to get these materials.

Too Good to Toss
Salvage each of the following crafting materials:
Wishful Essence
Encrusted Hoof

Should get it from salvaging magic and rare items.

Resource Management
Salvage each of the following crafting materials:
Exquisite Essence
Iridescent Tear
Fiery Brimstone

The Garbage Disposal
Achievement Reward: Banner Sigil (Khalim's Will)
Complete the crafting achievements listed below:
One Hero's Trash
One Warrior's Trash
Too good to Toss
Resource Management

Recipe for Success
Complete the Recipe and Design achievements listed below:
Perfect Gemolology
Death Metalworking

The Exalted Few
Achievement Reward: Banner Accent (Helm & Arms)
Complete the artisan level achievements listed below:
A Life with Meaning
Just a Hobby

Note: All achievements listed on this page are worth ten points.