Eterna City

Welcome to Eterna City, a place of living history. Just inside of town, you can see the Pokemon Center, but also two people are en route to it. The first remarks on the feel of the wind while riding a bike. The second, a member of Team Galactic, considers trying to rob you of your Pokemon, but thinks the better of it because you look tough.

Inside the Pokemon Center, talk to the girl closest to the door, who will give you the Friendship Checker App. The man on the left will tell you how Team Galactic took his Pokemon and other people's as well. The girl on the right will tell you that a fainted Pokemon simply does not have the power to battle. It can actually still use its Hidden Moves (like Rock Smash, Surf, etc.) while fainted.

Below the Pokemon Center is another person. They will tell you that his friend told him that Team Galactic took his Pokemon, but he did not believe him because Team Galactic looks too cool to be common thugs. To the right of this person is Rad Rickshaw's Cycle Shop. Head on in. Talk to the boy just inside to learn the fate of the owner of the shop, who has  gone to Team Galactic to talk to them and has yet to return. Without him there, you cannot get a bike. You can find Team Galactic's Headquarters in the northern-most part of town. It is behind two trees that you need to cut down, so you need to find and beat the Gym even more.

If you head up near the Team Galactic Headquarters, your rival will bump into you, literally. They will ask if you came to see the Pokemon statue and then drag you there. When you get there, Cyrus will be there, looking at the statue. He waxes scientifically about how the Pokemon shaped time and space in an intertwining spiral. He questions the truth of the myth, saying it needs investigation. He walks away from the statue and politely asks you to move. After that, your rival says that they had a flash of inspiration to become a great trainer easy. Their idea is for all their attacks to hit. After that, he tells you to check out the statue.

When you walk up to the statue and look at it, you will find the descriptive plate has been torn off. If you talk to the kid nearby  they simply say that this is a statue of an amazing Pokemon. If you head down from the statue you will see a Team Galactic Grunt and a house. The Grunt  tells you to stay away from the statue as Team Galactic is investigating it. Inside the house there are three people inside. The old man straight up from the door, he will tell you how Eterna came to honor that ancient Pokemon and he hopes that it will always remain. The old woman on the left side of the table asks if you have seen the Pokemon statue. She tells you that when she was a child, that statue was the centerpiece of many festivals. The kid inside wonders what the world is coming to since someone ripped off the descriptive plate from the statue. He offers to tell you what the plate said, telling you what the first line said, sort of, “...creation of DIA... …giver of time...In laughter, there is tears … And, likewise … The same time flows … … the blessing of DIA ...”

Then he realizes he forgot big chunks of it. He then offers to tell you about the other inscription, that went sort of like this: “birth of PAL … … creator of parallel dimensions … Alive, yet not alive … … rifts in space … To arrive in the same univer … … the blessings of PAL ...” After all this he mentions that some people talk about there was once a third inscription, but he is skeptical about it as what else could reside along side Pokemon that can control time and space.

To the right of the statue is another house. In this house you can get Herbal meds. While these are cheaper, your Pokemon will not like them because of their bitter taste. Most of these are about half the price of what you would pay in the Poke Mart. Just do not use these medicines on Pokemon you are trying to foster happiness with.
Here you can buy:
Heal Powder, Energy Powder, Energy Root, Revival Herb

When you head back toward Galactic Headquarters and the rest of town, Cynthia will appear and note that you have a Pokedex. She tells you that she recently been studying Pokemon mythology just out of curiosity. She will ask if you have seen the statue yet. That is apparently a very powerful Pokemon. She remarks who would know that maybe you could encounter something like that over the course of your adventure. She gives you HM 01, Cut. Now all you need to do is beat Gardenia to be able to use it outside of battle. After all that, she asks you to give her regards to Prof. Rowan.

Below the Cycle Shop, you find the Poke Mart. The person closer to the door about how Escape Rope can be used to warp to the entrance of an area like Eterna Forest. The person in far back part of the store tells you that as you get more Gym Badges the Poke Marts will start treating you better. This is because they will offer you a better selection of items. They then remark they do not have any badges because Gardenia is very tough and he wishes he had a Flying type Pokemon to bring his losing streak to an end.

On the right they sell:
Poke Balls, Potions, Super Potions, Antidotes, Parlyz Heals, Awakenings, Burn Heals, Ice Heals, Escape Ropes and Repels.

On the left they sell:
Air Mail, Heal Balls, Net Balls and Nest Balls.

To the right of the Poke Mart, you will find the Eterna Condominiums. The sign says that name-rating services are available. Inside, you will see an Old Man on the left at the first table inside the building. This is the Name Rater, who will let you change the name of any of your Pokemon. The man to the right tells you he is the Superintendent, maintaining a 24-hour watch. The kid at the second table will ask if you have a Buizel, he would like to trade you his Chatot for one. Going up to the next level, there is a little girl who tells you that Gardenia, the Gym Leader, goes into Eterna Forest every so often. Below her is an old man. He tells you about the move Recycle which lets your Pokemon use its item again. To the right, you will find an old woman who will give you TM 67, Recycle. Head out of their area and to the right then up to reach the top floor. The person closest to the stairs tells you how he has gathered a lot of berries and is planning to use them to get a lot of accessories, then head to Hearthome City for the Contest challenge. The person to the left of him, at the left table comments on Badges from Gyms or Contest wins, that they are more than just one way to win and hopes you will find your own victories. Head to the right to the two people running around the table. One brags about having the other's flag. The other says they cannot be caught, because they set some traps. That is everything inside the building. Head down the stairs and back outside. There are a few people outside of the building. The closest tells you that since the Team Galactic building went up, the city's atmosphere has gotten creepy and tense and no one knows what they are doing inside the building. The person to the left says that people say Eterna is an old city. The last person here to the left will tell you that Eterna City has changed a lot since the old days. Heading down, you will find someone in the middle of the road, who tells you that while you are visiting Eterna you should get a Bicycle to ride down the Cycling Road. The person below them will ask if you have an Explorer's Kit, and as you do not, you should have a word with the man next door to the Pokemon Center. The house to the left of this person is empty, so nothing to see there. However, to the right is Eterna City Gym. Talk to Gardenia to gain entrance and get ready for your next Gym Challenge. There is an item ball on the right side of the gym that it looks like you cannot get to. If you along the left side of the gym, you can walk between the top two trees on the left side to reach the item ball which has a Super Potion.

Heading back up toward the Pokemon Center, there is another Galactic Grunt near the house the lady mentioned with the Underground Man. He brags about the wealth of Team Galactic, being able to instantly build their Headquarters there. Head into the building next to the Pokemon Center. There are four people inside. The Old man near the center of the room is who will give you the Explorer's Kit. The rest of the people inside offer bits of advice on what to do in the Underground. See our Underground Guide for full details on it:

The Underground Guide

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