When you arrive back in Yaschas Massif, speak to Noel to trigger a Live Trigger Event. After the conversation, head to the Paddraean Archaeopolis to view a cutscene before speaking with Hope. This will trigger another series of cutscenes. This will begin another Live Trigger Event and remove the barrier barring the southeastern path. A treasure chest will appear behind Hope and Alyssa. Collect the contents of the chest before following your map up the stairs to the waypoint.

Use Moogle Hunt and collect the Mysterious Artefact sitting right next to the chest at the top of the area. Use the Mysterious Artefact and select The Void Beyond from the Historia Crux. You will be propelled to an unknown time. Turn around to find a map of The Void Beyond. Other than the map, there really isn’t much here for you at the time being. Enter the distorted area, called a Spacetime Distortion, and you will return to Historia Crux. You will notice a new location, called Locked Location, but as the name suggests you can’t really accomplish anything there at the moment.

In order to proceed, you’ll have to go back to the Bresha Ruins and open the Gate located in the tunnels on the left side of the area. This will take you to Sunleth Waterscape. As has so often been the case, a boss battle awaits you not far into this area, so take the opportunity now to level up in the Crystarium. Serah will lead you to the Assembly Area zone, which is home to the Royal Ripeness boss.

Boss Battle: Royal Ripeness

Royal Ripeness is weak to Wind, so use Aero to give yourself the upper hand immediately. Early on you will have to perform a Cinematic Action Sequence coonssisting of a simple button press, Square/X. Keep up the Chain Gauge using Aero and physical attacks with the rest of your party members and you should have Royal Ripeness down to low health in no time. This will trigger another Cinematic Action Sequence, a bit longer than the last one: up, Square/X, Square/X repeatedly, O/B repeatedly, left.


After the battle is over, approach Snow. He will hand over a map of the area, and join your party as a guest. This means that he won’t be directly controlled by you, but rather will assist as dictated by the AI. Your waypoint will still be directing you to attack Royal Ripeness, but this would be foolish at your current strength. Instead, take the path to the left and follow it as it curves south. Examine the vine to swing across the gap here. Be sure to steer clear of Royal Ripeness as you navigate the area, as you don’t want to end up continuing the battle by accident. Keep moving south until you reach the Forest Crossroads area. Chocolina will be waiting for you with an assortment of new items. You can purchase new weapons if you have the necessary Components.

Once you’re done shopping, leave the Forest Crossroads from the southwest and jump over the downed trees. After a cutscene, a tutorial message explaining Moogle Throw will come onscreen. Instead of grabbing the treasure chest straight in front of you, turn to the right and collect that one first. Then grab another chest to the right of the tunnel entrance. After this, mount the giant and wait until you are facing the right side of the tunnel and throw your Moogle across to collect a Wild Artefact.

Once you have gotten off of the giant, look next to Chocolina for a hidden vine using Moogle Hunt. Use this hidden vine to access the Hidden Woodland area and collect the two chests stashed here. Return to where you dismounted the giant and walk across the giant branches to find another vine which will take you to the southern end of the map. Make Mog do another Moogle Hunt when you land to find another vine that leads back to the Hidden Woodland area. This way, you can get from one end of the area to the other through the Hidden Woodland area, and you don’t have to navigate over the branches again.

After revealing the hidden vine, head forward to reach the Bumpy Bough area. The path here is relatively straightforward, so follow it to its conclusion. You’ll have to battle a few Miniflans here, but the fight should end very quickly. You will receive the Combat Artefact for your victory. You will also unlock the ability to ride Chocobos in this area, although the Gate you need to unlock is directly to your right and you shouldn’t need a Chocobo to reach that. Use the Combat Artefact to unlock the Coliseum location, and proceed there.

Walk down the Coliseum stairs to begin a cutscene in which you meet with the Arbiter of Time. He will give you a White Hole Gem Fragment. Head to the northern side of the Coliseum and use Moogle Throw to open the four chests housed there. The chest next to the gate will contain the Map of the Coliseum. Return through the Gate and go back to Sunleth Waterscape.

Retrace your path back to the Forest Crossroads area before veering off to the right to find the Lush Woodland Path area. A pack of Miniflans will again impede you, but you can use Moogle Throw to get rid of the enemies without having to battle them. Turn right and use the vine to proceed to the next area. Another group of Miniflans patrols this area, and you’ll have to battle them. Killing the Miniflans will reward you with the Thundering Artefact. A treasure chest will appear as well, which you should loot. Loop down to the lower area before leaving and you will find the Extraordinary Egg Fragment, which you must grab using Moogle Throw. Now head back from where you originally came, looping around Royal Ripeness again and swinging on a vine on the upper right-hand side of the area to reach the Undergrown Path area. A Gate will await you there. Use the Thundering Artefact to proceed out of Sunleth Waterscape and away from Royal Ripeness.